Thursday, March 08, 2007

Indiana vs NYC

For my job I get to see some of the more interesting parts of the US. Places such as Topeka KS, GreenBay WI, Des Moines IA and most recently Columbus IN. Not that there is anything bad about these places, the people were friendly and those native to the area would never dream of living anywhere else. But I guess since I've lived in a variety of places in the US and around the world it seems weird to want to live your whole life in a single small city in under populated parts of the US. Of those I talked to, many stated reasons were that it was safe to raise a family, their own family lived in the area, if they moved elsewhere it would only be for 1-2 years before they came back so why bother going at all. They accepted that there were less activities to do as compared to a big city but they could always go there on vacation. They have lived their whole life in a single place and couldn't dream of leaving it. This applies to those in big cities too. I have friends and family that live in New York city, having grown up or lived there most of their adult lives and have no intention of leaving the Big Apple. What would be the purpose? Everything they need and could want is available to them in NYC or they can go on vacation to see the rest of the world.

One of the fun things to do when visiting these places is to checkout local food oddities. One such food item I found in Columbus IN, was the Gnaw Bone pork tenderloin sandwich. Its a large, and lightly breaded piece of tenderloin. It was pretty good but could have used some pepper sauce.

Recently I visited NYC and went to Katz's Deli, its the one from the movie 'When Sally Met Harry'. This wikipedia article can fill you in. I had the salami sandwich which was just great. The plate of pickles was an interesting side dish, though I only had 2 of the 12 pieces that I got.

Two great sandwiches from two very different places. Hopefully you get the chance to experience both. So what city do you call home and would you ever move from it? Why or why not? And is there a special food item unique to your area?