Sunday, December 03, 2006


If you haven't seen Borat as yet then you need to go see it. It is one of the funniest movies ever. I couldn't stop laughing the entire time I was in the theater. While I've seen some of Da Ali G show, I hadn't seen Borat before and I was never impressed with Da Ali G show. It came across as slow and boring and I never understood why anyone would go on the show. However, the movie version of Borat is funny in ways that may hit a little to close to home. There is a lot of potential lawsuits out there (valid or not) since the movie has now made close to $100 million. Salon did some research into which charaters in the movie were "in on it". But all the hoopla and ethics around the movie would not exist if the movie bombed at the box office. Go see it and judge for yourself.

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