Friday, June 29, 2007

Really Big Mango

Originally uploaded by GianJ
We bought this huge mango at our local supermarket not to long ago. The sticker said it was from Nicaragua, and cost $1.25. Mangoes are just so expensive in the US. In Trinidad I can get 3-4 mangoes for the same $1.25. Next to the mango is a grapefruit and a regular size can of lentils.

Not very many people know this, but a green mango cut into pieces, served cold with salt, black pepper, lime, lemon, pepper sauce (if you have it), chopped jalapeƱo and diced garlic all mixed together makes for a super snack!

Trini-wife insists on eating the mango ripe, because its sweeter. Trini's know where its at though, nothing beats a green mango chow, 'cept perhaps a green plum chow!

1 comment:

Vijay said...

I'd have to a agree with Trini on this one. To this day my folks will go out of their way to find small green mangoes. Oh, hey, I'll post a green mango sherbet recipe.